Buying Desktop Computers - What to Look for?By Lloyd (Nairobi, Kenya)
Whether you have finally decided to become tech-savvy and purchase a computer or you want to upgrade your current system, be it for business purposes or personal use, buying the best system can be a tricky undertaking. The non-technical aspects of your purchase, including prices, brand name and the company where you intend to make your purchase are much more personal and so I'll not be covering that for now. Some of the most notable technical aspects you MUST take into consideration include processing power, amount of memory, the hard drive, type of monitor, type of network and more importantly, the operating system you intend to use. The processor forms a core part of your system; it determines the system speed. I would recommend Intel processors for their reputation though AMD processors are also a good option. One of the most powerful Intel processor currently in the market is Intel® Core™2 Duo. Though its a bit expensive, its performance is unmatched. Other powerful processors include: Intel® Core™2 Quad processor for multimedia enthusiasts and Intel® Core™ i7-965 Extreme Edition, termed by Intel as the highest performing desktop processor on the planet. However, fast processing speeds with low memory(RAM) will do you more harm than good. Windows XP can work with 512MB of RAM but power users should go for 1GB RAM or more. In short, for efficient performance, fast processing speeds should be accompanied by equally reliable amounts of memory. Flat LCD monitors are the best. They take up less space and offer a better resolution. Check the DPI (dots per inch)specification for a good resolution. However, CRTs still offer a reliable output at a cheaper price. A 17-inch CRT or bigger is the best option to avoid scrolling when opening web pages. A 80GB HDD should preferably be the least you can go for. But the amount of storage space can go higher or lower depending on one's needs. Generally SATA drives are faster than IDE but the difference is not noticeable to a large extent. Take into consideration if the computer will be used over a wireless network or a networked domain to make sure its features support the area of application. Next time we will be looking on how to purchase a reliable laptop. Till then, Bye.