Shortcut Keys and their Functions
Some commonly used computer shortcut keys are documented below. Shortcut Keys | Description | Alt + F | File menu options in current program. | Alt + E | Edit options in current program | F1 | Universal Help in almost every Windows program. | Ctrl + A | Select all text. | Ctrl + X | Cut | Shift + Del | Cut selected item. | Ctrl + C | Copy selected item. | Ctrl + Ins | Copy selected item | Ctrl + V | Paste selected item. | Shift + Ins | Paste | Home | Goes to beginning of current line. | Ctrl + Home | Goes to beginning of document. | End | Goes to end of current line. | Ctrl + End | Goes to end of document. | Shift + Home | Highlights from current position to beginning of line. | Shift + End | Highlights from current position to end of line. | Ctrl + Left arrow | Moves one word to the left at a time. | Ctrl + Right arrow | Moves one word to the right at a time. | Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Word. Shortcut Keys | Description | Ctrl + A | Select all contents of the page. | Ctrl + B | Bold highlighted selection. | Ctrl + C | Copy selected text. | Ctrl + X | Cut selected text. | Ctrl + P | Open the print window. | Ctrl + F | Open find box. | Ctrl + I | Italic highlighted selection. | Ctrl + K | Insert link. | Ctrl + U | Underline highlighted selection. | Ctrl + V | Paste | Ctrl + Y | Redo the last action performed. | Ctrl + Z | Undo last action. | Ctrl + L | Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen. | Ctrl + E | Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen. | Ctrl + R | Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen. | Ctrl + M | Indent the paragraph. | Ctrl + Shift + F | Change the font. | Ctrl + Shift + > | Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increases font +2pts. | Ctrl + ] | Increase selected font +1pts. | Ctrl + Shift + < | Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower, if above 12 decreases font by +2pt. | Ctrl + [ | Decrease selected font -1pts. | Ctrl + Shift + * | View or hide non printing characters. | Ctrl + | Moves one word to the left. | Ctrl + | Moves one word to the right. | Ctrl + | Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph. | Ctrl + | Moves to the end of the paragraph. | Ctrl + Del | Deletes word to right of cursor. | Ctrl + Backspace | Deletes word to left of cursor. | Ctrl + End | Moves the cursor to the end of the document. | Ctrl + Home | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document. | Ctrl + Spacebar | Reset highlighted text to the default font. | Ctrl + 1 | Single-space lines. | Ctrl + 2 | Double-space lines. | Ctrl + 5 | 1.5-line spacing. | Ctrl + Alt + 1 | Changes text to heading 1. | Ctrl + Alt + 2 | Changes text to heading 2. | Ctrl + Alt + 3 | Changes text to heading 3. | Alt + Shift + D | Insert the current date. | Alt + Shift + T | Insert the current time. | In addition to the above shortcut keys users can also use their mouse as a method of quickly do something commonly performed. Below some are examples of mouse shortcuts. Mouse shortcuts | Description | Click, hold, and drag | Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go. | Double-click | If double-click a word, selects the complete word. | Double-click | Double-clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line will make the alignment of the text left, center, or right aligned. | Double-click | Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line will set a tab stop. | Triple-click | Selects the line or paragraph of the text the mouse triple-clicked. | Ctrl + Mouse wheel | Zooms in and out of document. |