Centre for Management of Modern Computing
by Bukenya Gyaviira
(Uganda, Masaka)
Vennasoft - Uganda
Centre for Management of Modern Computing
The Super Computing PeopleLocation:We are currently located along Cathedral Road, Nyendo Masaka Uganda, but we plan to reallocate in a new larger place of operation within Nyendo.
Goals:- Sustainable delivery of honest and effective ICT (Information and Communication Technology) services to esteemed clients of Vennasoft-Uganda.
- We also seek to be a Centre of resources for general services such as Internet, Networks Engineering, Sale of Office machines among others
General Profile:Vennasoft - Uganda is a Private investment organised and set up in year 2000 basically for delivery of ICT training, Computer hardware repair and troubleshooting.
It acquired the first license of operation in 2001 after a clear list of trading and economic objectives.
We later became one of the first ICT Centres in Uganda to acquire the INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION from Microsoft Corporation in the United States (Microsoft Certified Professional Trainers).
Microsoft Corporation is a known Software giant company which issues certificates to its partners depicting accreditation in the ICT/Software field.
Later Vennasoft - Uganda established a training unit (Centre for Management of Modern Computing) after this award from Microsoft corporation and sent one Professional in the United States for the training leading to the award of a MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER award (Mr. Bukenya Gyaviira) Senior Technical Manager.
Mr. Bukenya G. holds a Bachelors Degree (Computer science & I.T) of Punjab Technical University India, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), Computer Networks Engineering & Mgt Certificate CDAC India, and now a candidate of a Masters Degree Program on Computer Networks & Communications (University of Westminster London)
Other partners internationally include IBM, HP, CISCO, Intel inc. among others
What we do:- Sale of office machines such as Photo copiers, Cycle styling machines, Fax, Duplicating machines, Computers, Printers, Disks, scanners, Laminators and other computer accessories
- General ICT training from the range of pay as you go packages to Professional certificate courses leading to the award of professional certificates - Centre of accreditation of MCSE, MCSA, CCNA, CCNP, A++,
- General computer and ICT systems Engineering, servicing of office machines and repair, Installation of high speed data Network servers, Server security Firewalls, Remote Access server installations & Data Recovery on Data Centers.
- International correspondence such as Scholarship we connect clients to international Universities for scholarships and Bursaries.
- Internet services we have the affordable and reliable Internet connection that we are currently renting a 24hrs line. We boast of the 2 dedicated lines roaming on TCP through our Canada ISDN remote terminal to a total of 64Mbps bandwidth.
- We sell and buy Domains
- Software development Expertise, Designing tools among others
- Web site designing and hosting – we plan and design web sites for companies and organizations that would need to be published to the internet
- General secretarial duties & Graphic design Printing
- we make and organise offices with professionally looking documents such as magazines, Letter heads, Memos, Brochures, Research proposals etc.
P.O Box 217, Nyendo Masaka
Tel: +256782314647/048112321/0752314647