Life Search

by Timothy
(Kampala, Uganda)

The success in one’s life is ceaseless. Nobody ever desires to be negatively live or having bad life. Everyone’s thoughts intends to give developmental advancement in life. No body wishes to be poor, all people around the world are every second, every minutes, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year struggling to have comfortable life. Same as ever since I started realising what life is. Now if there are such 100% positive attitude in all people's mind why too much poverty among people?

Many say life is what you make it, meaning what your life is, its you who makes it! What I know, all people can never be rich and not all can be poor (materially, any one who has wisdom is rich. It is the knowledge that leads one to his/her destination.

We therefore have to use the little mind we have to be what we want to be. Everything has got its own time, likewise nobody forces the time to move, and it never waits for any body.

Put love before every thing, do what you can and give your Creator his place. It does not matter where you come from, how you look like, what you have , but just what your mind is. Finally be happy where you are, and for what you are. Poor or reach, short or tall, small or big, fat or tiny, strong or weak. We all have one common factor "blood" and ending destination death. cont....(this article is abstracted from my own composed song) and comments, contributions and additions are welcome).

I am Rushya Mulekezi Theogene Timothy (RMTT)or call me any of those names!!! FROM UGANDA.TEL.+256712410409,

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Mar 19, 2008
virtues maketh man
by: joe

I totally agree with Timothy that life is precious-whether one enjoys in riches or the other struggles in poverty. For life to be humane, let us promote human rights, provide the very basic needs. Human beings needs to get spiritual and share what they have with others; love, knowledge, material things, religion, etc. I think we and especially Africans needs to come out of the feelings of inferiority complex and empower our selves if we are to promote the dignity of our human life. The very sanctity of human life needs to be respected if progress and human happiness are to become synonymous with our beautiful continent-Africa!

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